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Mineral bath with CO2


Procedural Classification:

Main procedure, procedure can be undergone after consultation with a doctor

Procedural Character:

The mineral carbon dioxide bath is performed in a special stainless steel tub filled with natural mineral water with a high CO2 content at a temperature of 30-34°C. The absorbed CO2 improves tissue perfusion and accelerates healing and regenerative processes. Muscle fatigue disappears, blood pressure values are regulated. The therapeutic effect is antihypertensive, cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, and stimulates metabolism.

Procedural Process:

The client sits in the tub with mineral water, keeping their head above the water level to prevent inhalation of carbon dioxide, which accumulates at the water surface. Initially, the client may feel cold, but this is replaced by a feeling of warmth within 1-2 minutes. The body is covered with a multitude of gas bubbles; it is necessary to remain calm so they can settle on the skin. The client rests quietly in the tub with mineral water for about 20 minutes, after which the spa attendant wraps them in a dry wrap for 10 minutes on a bed next to the tub.

Main Indications:

Arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus with circulation disorders, venous insufficiency, kidney diseases.

Main Contraindications:

Severe anemia and polycythemia, severe heart failure, severe coronary sclerosis, dangerous bleeding conditions, decompensated hypertension, epilepsy, inflammatory skin diseases.

Duration of the Procedure:

20 minutes + 10 minutes wrap

What to Bring for the Procedure:

It is advisable to come in a bathrobe.