Super Inductive System (SIS)
TreatmentsTreatment Classification:
Treatment based on medical consultation.
Treatment Character:
We introduce an innovative Super Inductive System (SIS) - a medical device for highly intensive magnetotherapy. The technology is based on a highly intensive electromagnetic field that positively affects human tissues. The device is called "focused" because it allows precise targeting of therapy to small areas deep in the tissue, ensuring pain reduction and shortening of treatment time. In addition, magnetic therapy helps strengthen muscle fibers, reduces spasticity, improves regenerative processes, and alleviates back and muscle pain. Therapeutic effects include pain relief, healing of fissures, myorelaxation, myostimulation, and mobilization.
Treatment Process:
The applicator is applied to (above) the painful area, and the intensity of the electromagnetic field is increased according to the client's sensations.
Main Indications:
Pain relief, support for fracture healing, muscle relaxation, muscle stimulation, and joint mobilization.
Main Contraindications:
Cardiac pacemaker, oncological diseases in the medical history, pregnancy.
Duration of the Treatment:
According to the doctor's prescription / 10-20 minutes /.
What to Bring to the Treatment:
It is advisable to come in a bathrobe.