TreatmentsTreatment classification:
Secondary treatment, no prescription needed.
Treatment nature:
Whirlpool massage with aerated water jets emanating from large lateral nozzles or micro nozzles placed in the most exposed areas of the spine. Whirlpool massage bath is an irritant and toning treatment. It is advantageous for the treatment of post-traumatic conditions and injuries, serves to eliminate edemas, improve joint range of motion, and relax contractures. It induces maximum overall relaxation of the body.
Treatment process:
Whole-body massage is ensured here by a combination of a warm bath (36˚C – 38 °C) along with the action of air driven into the tub by jets. These jets are divided into independent zones, and by gradually activating them, the entire body is massaged from the neck to the soles of the feet. It is a combination of heat and strong mechanical water stimulation. Pleasant colors of accompanying lights also contribute to relaxation.
Main indications:
Water massage helps relax muscles, increases the release of endorphins, improves mental well-being, enhances blood circulation, relieves muscle pain, and overall tension.
Main contraindications:
Menstruation, skin injuries, eczema, varicose veins, pregnancy, not suitable for large varicose veins on the lower limbs.
Treatment duration:
15 minutes.
What to bring for the treatment:
It is advisable to come in a bathrobe.